Professor Xiaolin Zhong
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department
University of California, Los Angeles

Short CV
- Ph.D. in Aeronautics/Astronautics, 09/91, Stanford University, California. Thesis: “Development and Computation of Continuum Higher Order Constitutive Relations for Two-Dimensional High-Altitude Hypersonic Flow.” Thesis Advisor: Professor Robert W. MacCormack, co-advisor: Professor Dean R. Chapman.
- Performed Two Years of Graduate Studies, 09/84-10/86, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, as a M.S. student in Computational Fluid Mechanics. Research topic: “Numerical Simulation of Transonic Flow in Gas Turbine Engines.” Advisor: Professor Meng-Yu Shen.
- B.S. in Fluid Mechanics, 07/84, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
Professional Experience
- Chair, 07/22-present, UCLA, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department.
- Professor, 07/02-present, UCLA, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department.
- Vice Chair for Graduate Affairs, 09/06-07/11, UCLA, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department.
- Associate Professor, 07/97-07/02, UCLA, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department.
- Assistant Professor, 07/91-07/97, UCLA, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department.
- Graduate Research Assistant, 10/86-07/91, Stanford University, California, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
Awards and Professional Society Services
- Associate Editor of the AIAA Journal, June 2005 to August 2015.
- Elected to Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), 10/2000.
- Allied Signal Faculty Research Award, UCLA Engineering School, 10/96.
- Member of the Fluid Dynamics Technical Committee of AIAA, 2011-present.
- Member of the Plasmadynamics and Laser Technical Committee of AIAA, 2002-2011.
- Member of the Transition Study Group of the Fluid Dynamics Technical Committee of AIAA since May 2001.
- Member of Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society, West American Chapter, 08/2000.
Computational fluid dynamics; hypersonic flows, development of new very high-order numerical methods; numerical simulation of hypersonic boundary layer receptivity, stability, and transition; numerical simulation of real-gas hypersonic flow; development of high-order immersed interface method for flow simulations; DNS of strong shock interaction with turbulence; numerical simulation studies of wave energy harvesting devices.
I have been regularly teaching both undergraduate and graduate courses at UCLA since 1991.
Undergraduate Courses
- MAE 103 Elementary Fluid Mechanics
- MAE 150B Aerodynamics
- MAE 182A Mathematics of Engineering
- MAE 182C Numerical Methods for Engineering Applications
Graduate Courses
- MAE 250C Compressible Flows
- MAE 250D Computational Aerodynamics
- MAE 250F Hypersonic and High-Temperature Gas Dynamics
- MAE 254A Special Topics in Aerodynamics
I am the area chair of Aerospace Engineering for the UCLA Master of Science in Engineering Online Program, where I teach the online versions of MAE 150B and MAE 250D.
Research and Publications
Please see the Research section and the Publications section of this site.
Current and Past Teaching
Please see the Teaching section of this site.
Mailing Address and Directions
My mailing address is:
- Professor Xiaolin Zhong
- 46-147C, Engineering 4 Building
- Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department
- 420 Westwood Plaza, Suite 46-147C
- University of California, Los Angeles
- Los Angeles, CA 90095
Click here for the direction to and the campus map of UCLA. Visitors should park their car in Parking Structure 9, which is next to the Engineering 4 Building.
Then and Now
These are my older pictures, which were taken when I had just become an assistant professor at UCLA in the early 1990s and had been
posted on the departmental web site of the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department at UCLA until June 2012:
This is a more recent picture of mine taken on June 2012:
Other Interests (when I am not doing fluid mechanics)
Hiking, camping, visiting state/national parks and natural reserves/preserves, fossils, swimming, gardening, and anything outdoor.
My name in Chinese characters: 钟小林