Dr. Yuet Huang
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
University of California, Los Angeles
- BS Aerospace Engineering, UCSD, 2008
- MS Aerospace Engineering, UCLA
- PhD Aerospace Engineering, UCLA, 2016
- Thesis: "Numerical Study of Hypersonic Boundary-Layer Receptivity and Stability with Freestream Hotspot Perturbations"
Research Interests
- Hypersonic boundary layer receptivity and transition
- Hypervelocity thermal-chemical non-equilibrium flow
- Computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
- Aerodynamics
- Computations and simulations
- Numerical methods
- Y. Huang and X. Zhong, “Numerical Study of Hypersonic Boundary-Layer Receptivity with Freestream Hotspot Perturbations,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 52, No. 12, pp. 2652-2672, 2014.
- M. Miselis, Y. Huang, and X. Zhong, "Modal Analysis of Receptivity Mechanisms for a Freestream Hot-Spot Perturbation on a Blunt Compression-Cone Boundary Layer", AIAA paper 2016-3345, June 2016
- Y. Huang and X. Zhong, "Numerical study of laser-spot effects on boundary-layer receptivity for blunt compression-cones in Mach-6 freestream," AIAA Paper No. 2010-4447, 2010.
- Y. Huang and X. Zhong, "Numerical study of freestream hot-spot perturbation on boundary-layer receptivity for blunt compression-cones in Mach-6 flow," AIAA Paper No. 2011-3078, 2011.
- Y. Huang and X. Zhong, "Numerical study of boundary-layer receptivity on blunt compression-cones in Mach-6 flow with localized freestream hot-spot perturbations," NATO AVT-Specialists’ Meeting on “Hypersonic Laminar-Turbulent Transition”, No. 20, 2012.
- Y. Huang and X. Zhong, "Parametric Study of Boundary-Layer Receptivity to Freestream Hot-Spot Perturbation over a Blunt Compression Cone," AIAA Paper No. 2014-0774, 2014.