Dr. Zeyu Bai
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
University of California, Los Angeles
- PhD Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, 2019
- Thesis: "New Multi-Layer Compact High-Order Finite Difference Methods with Spectral-Like Resolution for Compressible Flow Simulations"
- MS Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, 2016
- MS Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics, Beijing Institute of Technology, 2014
- BS Thermal Energy and Power Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, 2011
Research Interests
- High-order numerical methods
- Computational fluid dynamics
- Hypersonics
- Z. Bai and X. Zhong, "New very high-order upwind multilayer compact schemes with spectral-like resolution for flow simulations", Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 378, pp. 63-109, 2019
- Z. Bai and X. Zhong, "Very High-Order Upwind Multi-Layer Compact (MLC) Schemes with Spectral-Like Resolution II: Two-Dimensional Case", AIAA paper 2019-1398, January 2019.
- Z. Bai and X. Zhong, "New Very High-Order Upwind Multilayer Compact Schemes with Spectral-Like Resolution for Flow Simulations", AIAA paper 2017-0518, January 2017.